uk marathon

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This blog is aimed at promoting and informing on the progress of
Fat feet is a new running event website that attempts to find interesting and diverse locations to host varied running events. Our events include UK Marathons, UK Half Marathons, and UK Ultra Marathons all in fantastic locations. Our races include The Woodland Half Marathon , The Grimsthorpe Half Marathon and the Grimsthorpe Ultra Marathon. Our event at Rutland Water is the Rutland Water Marathon which involves 26.2 miles around the beautiful cycle trail that surrounds the reservoir. We also have introduced The Ocean Floor Race which takes place in Egypt in May 2012 (
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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Profile on Matthew Eales (Ocean Floor Race Entrant)

Describe yourself, family, where you live, profession, hobbies
My name is Matthew Eales, I am 22 years old from Cardiff. Currently I am a barman at a hotel and an ardent supporter of Arsenal FC.

What is the Ocean Floor Race and what attracted you to enter?
The description ‘ultra-marathon’ tells you everything you need to know about this event. It is going to be a very stern test, both in having the discipline in training and during the race itself. I expect like many of the other competitors I’m looking to find out what I’m capable of in the harshest of circumstances. When your whole body is telling you to stop can you keep the presence of mind to keep on going. As much a test of will power than of physical ability. At least that is the test I am hoping to get from it. As well as a few nice holiday snaps for the collection!

Do you anticipate any problems?
Although I can train for the distance, the South Wales climate doesn’t quite replicate that of the Sahara so I anticipate that will be a shock to the system.

Are you raising money for a charity for this event?
No, not for this event.

How will you train?

By running/hiking and incrementally increasing the distance as the race draws closer to get used to greater distances. Then try and start doing it on back-to-back days. Hopefully I will be able to have some multi-day hikes with overnight camping but that will depend on work patterns.

What do family/friends think of you entering?
Vast majority were positive, a few concerns, a few simply 'why?'. A couple others I remember...‘Shouldn’t you do a marathon first’, ‘That’s pretty cool’, ‘Don’t ask me to join you’.

Do you have any ultra running experience?


What would you say to someone who is physically able but reluctant?

What immediately springs to mind is the “Man in the Arena’ speech by Theodore Roosevelt, it always stirs me to action. It’s message that endeavour and daring, even if failure pursues, will always give a far richer experience than inactivity, holds true in just about every facet of life.

Do you need any special equipment to participate?


Will you take anything non-compulsory but you think will aid you?
I will be carrying bandages, strapping etc as a precaution. I’m undecided on the iPod, although I don’t normally run with music, 96 hours is a long time to spend in just my own company!

Still taking entries... please request an entry form at

Offer - Any entrant who gets their experience of the Ocean Floor Race published in a national publication will receive a refund of £200 from their entrance fee. (£200 per full page of editorial.) 

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